The role of parents in children's school life: Student motivation and socio-emotional functioning.
Eleftheria Gonida, Marja Vauras
págs. 349-351
Deborah Pino-Pasternak
págs. 352-375
Parental involvement in homework: Relations with parent and student achievement-related motivational beliefs and achievement
Eleftheria Gonida, Kai S. Cortina
págs. 376-396
Latent profiles of parental self-efficacy and children's multisource-evaluated social competence
Niina Junttila, Marja Vauras
págs. 396-414
Sébastien Côté, Théresé Bouffard, Carole Vezeau
págs. 415-434
Will I get there?: Effects of parental support on children's possible selves
Shimin Zhu, Samson Tse, Sing-Hang Cheung, Daphna Oyserman
págs. 435-453
Parents and their children's school lives: Commentary on the special issue, 'parents' role in children's school lives'
Jari-Erik Nurmi, Gintautas Silinskas
págs. 454-458
Teacher-student interpersonal relationships do change and affect academic motivation: A multilevel growth curve modelling
Ridwan Maulana, Marie-Christine Opdenakker, Roel J. Bosker
págs. 459-482
Early childhood malaria prevention and children's patterns of school leaving in the Gambia
Stephanie S. Zuilkowski, Matthew C. H. Jukes
págs. 483-501
An alternative time for telling: When conceptual instruction prior to problem solving improves mathematical knowledge.
Emily R. Fyfe, Marci S. DeCaro, Bethany Rittle-Johnson
págs. 502-519