Mental models of learning in distance education
J.T. Richardson
págs. 253-270
Collaborative philosophical enquiry for school children: Cognitive effects at 10-12 years.
K.J. Topping, S. Trickey
págs. 271-288
Classroom interactions: Exploring the practices of high- and low-expectation teachers.
Christine M. Rubie-Davies
págs. 289-306
Pupils' over-reliance on linearity: A scholastic effect?
Wim Van Dooren, Dirk De Bock, Dirk Janssens, Lieven Verschaffel
págs. 307-321
Stereotype threat in classroom settings: The interactive effect of domain identification, task difficulty and stereotype threat on female students' maths performance.
Johannes Keller
págs. 323-338
Perceptions of athletic competence and fear of negative evaluation during physical education
Nicola D. Ridgers, Della M.A. Fazey, Stuart Fairclough
págs. 339-349
Examining the validity of self-reports on scales measuring students' strategic processing
Marit S. Samuelstuen, Ivar Bråten
págs. 351-378
Do undergraduates' motives for studying change as they progress through their degrees?
David A. Liebermanh, Richard Remedios
págs. 379-395
Laura Helle, Päivi Tynjälä, Erkki Olkinuora, Kirsti Lonka
págs. 397-411
Andrew J. Martin
págs. 413-440
Bullies and victims at school: Are they the same pupils?
Mona E. Solberg, Dan Olweus, Inger M. Endresen
págs. 441-464
School violence and teacher professional disengagement
Benoît Galand, Catherine Lecocq, Pierre Philippot
págs. 465-477
Vincent Connelly, Deborah Gee, Elinor Walsh
págs. 479-492