Interpersonal Values Related to Aggressor and Victim Profiles in Adolescents. Socially, increasingly more importance is being granted to values, as they have been shown to be important to prevent behaviors such as violence. Therefore, the goal of the present study is to analyze the profile of aggressors and victims in different variables (gender, course, failing a subject, repeating a course, and various interpersonal values), as well as its predictive level. For this purpose, by means of clusters, a sample was randomly selected, made up of 885 students from Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE), (50,2% female). The results show that the aggressors are male, 4th year students of CSE, who had failed some subject and who, in many cases, had repeated a course, they also show low levels of Conformity and Benevolence, as well as high levels of Recognition and Leadership. In this profile, the presence of low scores in Benevolence or being male correctly classifies 90,6% of the aggressors. In turn, the victims are also male who fail subjects and have low levels of Benevolence. Therefore, attempting to improve these individuals’ academic performance as well as to achieve values such as Conformity and Benevolence would reduce the probability of their developing aggressor and victim profiles.