Exposure to violence, teacher support, and school delay amongst adolescents in South Africa
Rocío Herrero Romero, James Hall, Lucie Cluver
págs. 1-21
Correlates of students' internalization and defiance of classroom rules: A self‐determination theory perspective
Nathalie Aelterman, Maarten Vansteenkiste, Leen Haerens
págs. 22-40
Agency and responsibility in adolescent students: A challenge for the societies of tomorrow
Consuelo Mameli, Luisa Molinari, Stefano Passini
págs. 41-56
Exploring the impact of teacher emotions on their approaches to teaching: A structural equation modelling approach
Junjun Chen
págs. 57-74
Development and validation of the Bullying and Cyberbullying Scale for Adolescents: A multi‐dimensional measurement model
Hannah J. Thomas, James G. Scott, Jason M. Coates, Jason P. Connor
págs. 75-94
Madeline Crosswaite, Kathryn Asbury
págs. 95-110
Improving socio‐emotional health for pupils in early secondary education with Pyramid: A school‐based, early intervention model
Michelle Jayman, Maddie Ohl, Bronach Hughes, Pauline Fox
págs. 111-130
Activity‐oriented teaching of stochastics in elementary school
Ulrike Kipman, Anton Kühberger, Belinda Pletzer
págs. 131-145
First‐graders' allocation of attentional resources in an emotional Stroop task: The role of heart period variability and classroom climate
Sara Scrimin, Ughetta Moscardino, Lucia Mason
págs. 146-164
Size and modality effects in Braille learning: Implications for the blind child from pre‐reading sighted children
Fiona Barlow Brown, Christopher Barker, Margaret Harris
págs. 165-176
Teaching assistant and pupil interactions: The role of repair and topic management in scaffolding learning
Paula Bosanquet, Julie Radford
págs. 177-190