Puerto Rico
El propósito de este estudio fue determinar si existía una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre las manifestaciones de los comportamientos discresionales y su relación con la justicia organizacional, el compromiso organizacional, el contrato psicológico, la satisfacción laboral y los rasgos de personalidad desde el modelo de los cinco factores. Los instrumentos fueron administrados a 204 participantes escogidos por disponibilidad. Los análisis estadísticos reflejan que las actitudes de trabajo y los rasgos de personalidad están altamente correlacionados y fungen como predictores de las manifestaciones de los comportamientos discrecionales.AbstractThe aim of this study was to determine if a correlation existed statistically significant between the manifestations of the discrecional behaviors and its relationship with the organizational justice, the organizational commitment, the psychological contract, job satisfaction and the features of personality from the pattern of the five factors. The instruments were administered at 204 participants chosen by readiness. The statistical analyses reflect that the work attitudes and the features of personality are highly correlated and work as predictors of the manifestations of the discretional behaviors.
The aim of this study was to determine if a correlation existed statistically significant between the manifestations of the discrecional behaviors and its relationship with the organizational justice, the organizational commitment, the psychological contract, job satisfaction and the features of personality from the pattern of the five factors. The instruments were administered at 204 participants chosen by readiness. The statistical analyses reflect that the work attitudes and the features of personality are highly correlated and work as predictors of the manifestations of the discretional behaviors.