Reading achievement, metacognition, reading self-concept and interest: A study of German students in grades 3 and 4
págs. 305-324
An analysis of knowledge representation of students in electronic problem tasks
págs. 325-338
How can historical understanding best be assessed? Use of prediction tasks to assess how students understand the role of causal factors that produce historical events
págs. 339-358
Effects of cooperative versus individualistic learning on cognitive, affective, metacognitive and social processes in students
págs. 359-374
A new methodology, an old story? Gender differences in the "Draw-A-Computer-User" test
págs. 375-386
Social anxiety with peers in 9- to 14- year-olds. Developmental process and relations with self-consciousness and perceived peer acceptance
págs. 387-402
Path analyses of the relations between self-efficacy, anxiety, and academic performance
págs. 403-422
Parents' assessments of their children's abilities
págs. 423-438
An experimental study of vocational guidance (and decision making) in Spain
págs. 439-450
Un proyecto de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid