Desde hace relativamente pocos años ha aumentado el interés por el estrés infantil. Con anterioridad, se negaba la posibilidad de su presentación en los niños: la infancia era, por fuerza, una “etapa feliz”. Con todo, no siempre hay acuerdo teórico respecto a este trastorno y no resulta fácil hacer un diagnóstico, pues cuanto menor es el niño los síntomas de estrés más se diferencian de los que presentan los adultos. Pues bien, este trabajo se basa en una investigación encaminada a rastrear casos de estrés infantil en población escolarizada. A partir del trabajo realizado se revisan relevantes cuestiones teóricas sobre las causas y las consecuencias del estrés en la niñez, al tiempo que se brindan pautas preventivas para aplicarse sobre todo en los centros escolares.
The interest for child stress has increased during recent years. Previously it was thought that childhood was certainly a “happy period” and consequently it was ignored the possibility that children could suffer this psychological condition. Even nowadays, within the theoretical debate, there is not always an agreement about this illness. It is not easy to make a psychological diagnosis since the younger the children are, the more difficult is to find the stress symptoms as they differ greatly from the ones found in adults. This study is based in a previous research that aimed to find cases of child depression within the school population. Taking this research as a starting point, it was reviewed the relevant theoretical questions about the causes and consequences of stress during the childhood. At the same time the article reveal preventive measures to be applied mainly in schools.