El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la estructura del bienestar subjetivo en cuidadores familiares de adultos mayores utilizando diferentes modelos estructurales. De todos los analizados, el que mayor aportación hace al cuerpo de conocimientos es el constituido por siete factores jerarquizados de la siguiente manera: cuatro factores de primer orden (satisfacciones personales, satisfacciones materiales, afectos positivos y afectos negativos), dos de segundo orden (componentes cognitivo y afectivo) y una estructura de orden superior causal comprendida como bienestar subjetivo. Ese modelo reveló índices de ajuste satisfactorios (RMSEA = .049 (.040 -.059), CFI = .968, SRMR = .0521, x2 (gl) = 225.390 (114) p ≤ .001), replicando con sus datos la red causal que a nivel teórico plantea la literatura sobre bienestar
Objective: To analyze the structure of subjective well-being in family caregivers of older adults using different structural models. Of all analyzed models, the one that has made the largest contribution to the existing body of knowledge is the one composed of seven hierarchical factors ranked as follows: four first-order factors (personal satisfaction s, material satisfactions, positive affections and negative affections), two second- order factors (cognitive and affective components) and a causal higher-order structure understood as subjective well-being. This model showed satisfactory adjustment indexe s (RMSEA = .049 (.040 -.059), CFI = .968, SRMR = .0521, x2 (gl) = 225,390 (114) p ≤ .001), thus replicating though their data the causal network proposed by literature on well-being at a theoretical level.