El propósito del estudio es conocer en profundidad aspectos relacionados con la motivación de los adolescentes gallegos en el contexto escolar. Se utiliza el cuestionario CMEA (Cuestionario de Motivación y Estrategias de Aprendizaje) que mide la motivación intrínseca, extrínseca, valor de la tarea, autoeficacia, control y ansiedad. La muestra quedó formada por 500 alumnos que cursan la etapa de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Los resultados del trabajo permiten confirmar que los adolescentes gallegos poseen un buen nivel motivacional y al mismo tiempo presentan variaciones significativas en función de las diferentes variables socioeducativas (edad, sexo, estudios, y provincia) del entorno de referencia.
The main objective of the study is to advance, from the point of view of students, in the understanding of the motivational construct in order to assist in the design of programs or measures for the prevention and intervention in improving school performance adapted to the educational contexts. Considering the context and consistent with the approach, is decided to use as a tool for data collection the questionnaire CMEA (questionnaire of motivation and learning strategies) composed of 31 items measuring intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, self-control, the value of the task and anxiety. The sample was made up of 500 students who are pursuing Compulsory Secondary Education in Galicia. The results of this study allow us to confirm that Galician teenagers have a good motivational level and also presented significant variations depending on the socio-educational variables in the context of reference (age, sex, studies, province).