Logroño, España
Santiago de Compostela, España
Este artigo está enmarcado dentro do itinerario de competencia dixital (nivel avanzado) proposto pola Comisión TIC da rede permanente de formación do profesorado da Consellería de Educación de Galicia. Este curso desenvólvese totalmente en rede sen que exista previsión de ningunha sesión presencial. Sabemos que a tarefa de titoría resulta polo tanto moi importante no bo funcionamento do mesmo. Pretendemos explicar cómo funciona os itinerarios de competencias dixitais dende o perfil do titor do curso. O asesoramento no funcionamento da Plataforma, as axudas na resolución de dificultades, as correccións e as avaliacións serán tarefas primordiais no traballo do titor.
This article is framed in the itinerary of digital competence (advanced level) suggested by the TIC Commission of the permanent net of formation of the teaching staff of the Department of Education of Galicia. This course copes totally in net without there being forecast of any eyewitness session. We know that the task of tuition is therefore very important in the good functioning of it. We intend to explain how it works the itineraries of digital competences from the profile of the tutor of the course. The advice in the functioning of the Platform, the helps in the resolution of difficulties, the corrections and the evaluations will be fundamental tasks in the work of the tutor.