This paper aims to study the subject/work/organization relationship from the point of view of psychoanalysis. This approach promotes the observation of such subjects in the organizational environment in a new perspective. The context is capitalism in its post-industrial phase, together with the hegemony of the capital discourse. In the contemporary era, the role reserved to the subject by the capital is of the consumer itself. Modern organizations now demand a new professional profile, which is different from the model used during the industrial era. The subject struggles to deal with this new scenario, which offers him new possibilities to articulate enjoyment and desire. Which role does psychoanalysis play in regard to new challenges brought to the contemporary era? Is it possible to think of psychoanalysis as a way out of job-related dilemmas of Post-Modernity, or would psychoanalysis be risking to establish a pact with devil?
O objetivo do artigo é estudar a relação sujeito/trabalho/organização a partir do ponto de vista da psicanálise. No ambiente organizacional o capital demanda um novo perfil de profissional, diferente daquele da era industrial, e diante dessa nova realidade o sujeito busca se inserir. Qual o papel que cabe à psicanálise, tanto em sua dimensão clínica como em sua extensão, diante desses novos desafios trazidos pela contemporaneidade? Será a psicanálise uma possível porta de saída para os impasses trazidos ao mercado de trabalho pela modernidade?