Antecedentes: el principal objetivo de esta investigación consiste en precisar las relaciones entre el autoconcepto personal y la satisfacción con la vida, asumida como el indicador central del ajuste personal, sometiendo a prueba un modelo estructural que contempla cuatro dimensiones del autoconcepto: la autorrealización, la autonomía, la honradez y las emociones. Método: los 801 participantes en el estudio, quienes tienen edades comprendidas entre 15 y 65 años (M = 34.03; DT = 17.29), respondieron a los cuestionarios Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) y Autoconcepto Personal (APE). Resultados: aunque el peso de cada una de las cuatro dimensiones del autoconcepto personal es diferente, los resultados muestran que en conjunto explican un 46% de la satisfacción con la vida. Ello supone un peso tan significativo como el de la autoestima general, según lo hallado en otras investigaciones previas. Conclusiones: esta cuestión debiera abordarse ya desde la Educación Secundaria para trabajar de forma preventiva el malestar o desajuste psicológico.
Background: The main aim of this study was to explore the relationships between personal self-concept and satisfaction with life, with the latter as the key indicator for personal adjustment. The study tests a structural model which encompasses four dimensions of self-concept: self-fulfillment, autonomy, honesty and emotions. Method: The 801 participants in the study, all of whom were aged between 15 and 65 (M = 34.03, SD = 17.29), completed the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the Personal Self-Concept (APE) Questionnaire. Results: Although the four dimensions of personal self-concept differ in their weight, the results show that, taken together, they explain 46% of the differences observed in satisfaction with life. This implies a weight that is as significant as that observed for general self-esteem in previous research studies. Conclusions: This issue should be dealt with early on, during secondary education, in order to help prevent psychological distress or maladjustment.