El objetivo principal de esta revisión es la defensa del aprendi-zaje cooperativo como una estrategia altamente efectiva para el logro de las metas generales del aprendizaje. Las investigaciones analizadas vienen a confirmar la potencialidad que una organización cooperativa del aula pre-senta para el logro académico, la autoestima, la atracción interpersonal o el apoyo social. La robustez de la investigación existente contribuye a su vali-dez externa e interna y, por lo tanto, a concluir que los resultados son con-sistentes y generalizables a distintas culturas, etnias o países
The principal objective of this revision is the recognition of co-operative learning as a highly effective strategy for the accomplishment of the general goals in learning. The different investigations assessed validate the potential that a cooperative organization of the classroom could entail for academic achievement, self-esteem, interpersonal attraction or social support. The solidity of the existing research contributes to its external and internal validity and, thus, to conclude that the results are consistent and can be extrapolated to different cultures, ethnic groups or countries