Los primeros pasos de la carrera delictiva se inician a edades tempranas. De este modo, la adolescencia se considera un período clave para la implementación de programas preventivos y reeducativos del comportamiento antisocial y delictivo. La literatura recoge que variables de diferente naturaleza (biológica, psicológica y social) actúan como factores de riesgo del comportamiento antisocial. En este contexto hemos llevado a cabo un estudio de campo con 84 adolescentes, de los que 42 estaban cumpliendo medidas de internamiento por comportamientos delictivos y la otra mitad pertenecía a población escolarizada normal. Ambas muestras fueron contrastadas en cuatro factores de riesgo de tipo psicológico-individual: autoconcepto, socialización, afrontamiento e inteligencia emocional. Los resultados mostraron que los menores infractores presentaban problemas de socialización, déficits en inteligencia emocional y tendían a emplear estrategias de afrontamiento improductivas. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos hallazgos para la intervención reeducativa y preventiva de los menores infractores.
The onset of the delinquent career takes place at early ages. Thus, adolescence is a key period for the implementation of preventive and re-educational programs for antisocial and delinquent behaviors. The literature has shown that biological, psychological, and social variables may serve as risk factors for antisocial and delinquent behavior. In this context, in a field study, 84 adolescents ?42 juvenile offenders that were serving detention measures and 42 equivalent youngsters from the normal population? were compared in four main psychological risk factors: self-concept, socialization, coping, and emotional intelligence. The results reported that juvenile offenders had problems in socialization, deficits on emotional intelligence, and tended to employ non-productive coping strategies. The findings are discussed in terms of prevention and treatment planning for antisocial and delinquent behavior in juvenile offenders.
Vilariño, Manuel; Amado, Bárbara G. y Alves, Carla. (2013). Menores infractores: un estudio de campo de los factores de riesgo. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 2339-45 http://dx.doi.org/10.5093/aj2013a7
The onset of the delinquent career takes place at early ages. Thus, adolescence is a key period for the implementation of preventive and re-educational programs for antisocial and delinquent behaviors. The literature has shown that biological, psychological, and social variables may serve as risk factors for antisocial and delinquent behavior. In this context, in a field study, 84 adolescents ?42 juvenile offenders that were serving detention measures and 42 equivalent youngsters from the normal population? were compared in four main psychological risk factors: self-concept, socialization, coping, and emotional intelligence. The results reported that juvenile offenders had problems in socialization, deficits on emotional intelligence, and tended to employ non-productive coping strategies. The findings are discussed in terms of prevention and treatment planning for antisocial and delinquent behavior in juvenile offenders.