An experimental study investigated the influence of informational dependence on information appropriation as a function of epistemic authority's styles. In a 2x2 design. university students were informed that acknowledging epistemic dependence was related either to academic success or to academic failure. and were exposed to controversial information from an epistemic authority that used either an authoritarian or a democratic style. The main dependent variable was the extent to which participants appropriated the controversial information. Firstly, the results showed that students were more inclined to admit that their own academic competence depended on the information delivered by the teachers when epistemic dependence was related to success rather than to failure. Secondly, the admittance of dependence had a different impact on information appropriation according to the authority's style. Admittance increased appropriation under a democratic style whereas it decreased appropriation under an authoritarian style
Une etude experimentale a examine l'influence de la dependance informationnelle sur l'appropriation d'une information en fonction du style de I'autorite epistemique. Dans un plan 2x2, des etudiants universitaires ont ete informes que la reconnaissance de la dependance epistemique etait liee soit au succès, soit a I' echec academique. Ils ont ensuite he exposes a une information contredisant une de leurs croyances emanant d'une autorite epistemiquefaisant usage d'un style autoritaire ou democratique. La mesure principale consistait dans l'appropriation de l'information contradictoire. Les resultats montrent d'abord que les etudiants admettent davantage leur pro pre dependance face aux informations delivrees par leurs enseignants lorsque la dependance epistemique est censee deboucher sur Ie succes plutot que l'echec academiques. L'acceptation de la dependance pro pre a un effet sur l'appropriation qui depend du style de l'autorite. L'acceptation de la dependance augmente l'appropriation sous Ie style democratique, mais la diminue sous Ie style autoritaire.