The aim of the present study is twofold: (1) contribute to identifying a model for the variables that compose the emergent literacy construct and their relationships; (2) assess the predictive power of the emergent literacy model on early writing abilities in a transparent orthography language.
We examined emergent literacy skills in 464 children (mean age 5.5, range: 48-6.1) who were followed longitudinally until entering the 1st grade in primary school. Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analyses were used to address questions on the nature of emergent literacy skills and their possible relationships. Regression analyses were implemented to evaluate the predictive capability of an emergent literacy model on word writing competences. The factor analyses showed three factorial dimensions (phonological, conceptual knowledge on writing system and textual) and their relationship. The regressions showed a significant prediction of conceptual knowledge on writing system and of phonological abilities on early writing abilities
Cet etude a deux bouts: (1) contribuer à identifier un modele pour les variables qui composent le concept d'alphabetisation emergente et leurs relations; (2) verifier le povoir predictive du modele d'alphabetisation emergente sur les premieres habilitees d'ecriture dans une langue à orthographie transparente.
On a examinee les competences d'alphabetisation emergente en 464 enfants (moyen age 5.5) qui ont ete suivis longitudinalement jusqu' à leur premier classe dans l'ecole elementaire. Pour investiguer la nature des competences d'alphabetisation emergente et leurs possibles relations, on a conduit des analyses factorielles exploratoires et confirmatives. On a implementees des analyses de regression au fin d'evaluer la capacite predictive du modele d'alphabetisation emergente sur les competences d'ecriture des mots. Les analyses factorielles ont montré trois dimensions factorielles (phonologique, connaissance conceptuelle du systeme d'ecriture et textuelle) et leurs relations. Les regressions ont indique une prediction significative de la connaissance conceptuelle du systeme d'ecriture et des habilitees phonologiques sur les premieres habilitees d'ecriture