Tradicionalmente, la investigación sobre el acoso psicológico se ha focalizado en los estresores laborales y los factores contextuales como factores antecedentes. Sin embargo, la asociación entre los antecedentes organizacionales y el acoso es compleja y son varias las características de personalidad y factores individuales que pueden actuar como moderadores de esta relación (Einarsen, 2000). Para contrastarlo, se llevaron a cabo dos estudios empíricos para examinar el papel moderador de la personalidad en el proceso del acoso psicológico en el trabajo. En el primer estudio la muestra estuvo formada por 120 inmigrantes latinoamericanos. De acuerdo con la hipótesis inicial, los resultados de los análisis de regresión múltiple jerárquica mostraron que la asertividad moderaba la relación entre el antecedente organizacional inequidad laboral y el acoso psicológico. El segundo estudio se realizó en 183 víctimas de acoso. Los resultados mostraron que la ansiedad social y la asertividad moderaban la relación entre el acoso y sus efectos sobre la salud. Además, se encontraron diferencias de género en las quejas de salud derivadas del acoso
Research on workplace bullying has traditionally been focused on work-related stressorsand contextual factors as antecedent conditions. However, the association between organizational factors and bullying is complex and several personality characteristics and individual factors may act as moderators of this relationship (Einarsen, 2000). In order to contrast it, two empirical studies were conducted to examine the moderating role of personality in the process of workplace bullying. In the first study the sample consisted of 120 Latin-American immigrants. According to the initial hypothesis, the results of the hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that assertiveness moderated the relationship between the organizational antecedent of inequity at work and bullying. The second study was conducted among 183 victims of bullying. Results showed that social anxiety and assertiveness moderated the relationship between bullying and its effects on health.
Furthermore, gender differences were found in health complaints as a consequence of bullying.
Research on workplace bullying has traditionally been focused on work-related stressorsand contextual factors as antecedent conditions. However, the association between organizational factors and bullying is complex and several personality characteristics and individual factors may act as moderators of this relationship (Einarsen, 2000). In order to contrast it, two empirical studies were conducted to examine the moderating role of personality in the process of workplace bullying. In the first study the sample consisted of 120 Latin-American immigrants. According to the initial hypothesis, the results of the hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that assertiveness moderated the relationship between the organizational antecedent of inequity at work and bullying. The second study was conducted among 183 victims of bullying. Results showed that social anxiety and assertiveness moderated the relationship between bullying and its effects on health.
Furthermore, gender differences were found in health complaints as a consequence of bullying.