Behavioural treatment of auditory hallucinations in a schizophrenic patient: a case study
Salvador Perona Garcelán, Carlos Cuevas-Yust
págs. 3-10
Systematic desensitization in the treatment of fear of flying
Carmen D. Sosa Castilla, Juan I. Capafóns Bonet, Pedro Benito Avero Delgado
págs. 11-16
Factors which predict the effectiveness of different treatments of mild depression or dysphoria
Antonio Godoy Ávila, María del Carmen Rodríguez Naranjo
págs. 17-26
Successful aging but, why don't the elderly get more depressed?
María Izal Fernández de Trocóniz
págs. 27-42
Type a behaviour with ercta scale in normal subjects and coronary patients
María del Rosario Martínez Arias, Carlos Rodríguez Sutil, Estrella Pulido Requero, Pedro M. Gil Corbacho, M. González Alvarez
págs. 43-47
Tida: a children's test to assess dysfunctions in the perception of colour: disabled
Julio Lillo Jover, P. Sánchez, C. García, E. Ponte, José Antonio Collado Vega
págs. 48-56
págs. 57-65
págs. 66-75
Transformation of instructions into suggestions using operant procedures
Marino Pérez Álvarez, Adolfo J. Cangas
págs. 87-91
Temporal course of the basic components of love throughout relationships
Carlos Yela García
págs. 90-103
Mood state and recall biases: the role of affect
Neus Barrantes-Vidal, Albert Capdevilla, Jordi Fernández Castro, Roser Granero
págs. 92-99
págs. 100-107
Psychosocial factors that influence volunteer work: a pilot study
Fernando Chacón Fuertes, M. Menard, María Luisa Vecina Jiménez, M. Sanz
págs. 108-115