Introduction of the special issue on fatherhood
F. Frascarolo, J. Le Camus
págs. 95-100
págs. 101-112
págs. 113-134
págs. 135-156
Interpersonal conflict resolution strategies in children: A father-child co-construction
H. Ricaud-Droisy, C. Zaouche-Gaudron
págs. 157-170
Prevalence of father-child rough-and-tumble play and physical aggression in preschool children
R. Carbonneau, D. Paquette
págs. 171-190
Prevention of fatherhood disorders - Accompanying early father-child interaction in day-care centers
P. Letronnier, M. Lamour
págs. 191-210
Fathers' influences on children's development: The evidence from two-parent families
M. E. Lamb, C. Lewis
págs. 211-228