Toxicities caused by head and neck cancer treatments and their influence on the development of malnutrition: review of the literature
Maddison Hunter, Jane Kellett, Kellie Toohey, Nathan M. D'Cunha, Stephen Isbel, Nenad Naumovski
págs. 935-949
The COVID-19 pandemic, stress, and eating practices in the United States
Jagdish Khubchandani, Jayanthi Kandiah, Diana Saiki
págs. 950-956
Witnessing cyberbullying and internalizing symptoms among middle school students
Diana M. Doumas, Aida Midgett
págs. 957-966
Audiovisual media communications in adult education: the case of Cyprus and Greece of adults as adult learners
Constantinos Nicolaou, George Kalliris
págs. 967-994
Disruptive behavior programs on primary school students: a systematic review
Diego Martín Retuerto, Iker Ros Martínez de Lahidalga, Irantzu Ibañez Lasurtegui
págs. 995-1009
Cortical contrast processing in retinitis pigmentosa: evidence of PVEPs spatial functions
Rafael Mancebo Azor, José Antonio Sáez Moreno, José Manuel Rodríguez Ferrer
págs. 1010-1019
Is the effect of body dissatisfaction on depressive symptoms dependent on weight status?: A study with early-to-middle adolescents
Maria João Carapeto, Raquel Domingos, Guida Veiga
págs. 1020-1034
Gabriel A.B. Marais, Sophie Lantheaume, Robin Fiault, Rebecca Shankland
págs. 1035-1050
The emotional divergent–convergent thinking program, EDICOP: design, implementation, and results
Goretti Soroa Martínez, Aitor Aritzeta Galán, Alexander Muela Aparicio, Nekane Balluerka Lasa, Arantxa Gorostiaga Manterola, Jone Aliri Lazcano
págs. 1051-1064
Vincenza Capone, Leda Marino, Anna Rosa Donizzetti
págs. 1065-1079
Educational response to a student with psychosis at the secondary level: a non-experimental single-case study
Juan Pedro Martínez Ramón, Inmaculada Méndez Mateo, Cecilia Ruiz Esteban
págs. 1080-1094
Sociodemographic characteristics and stress of people from Spain confined by COVID-19
Susana Rodríguez Martínez, Antonio Valle Arias, Isabel Piñeiro Aguín, Carolina Rodríguez Llorente, Estefanía Guerrero Jaramillo, Ludmila Martins
págs. 1095-1105
Developing geographical narratives: pupils create digital text adventures with Twine
Veit Maier, Alexandra Budke
págs. 1106-1131
Students’ personality contributes more to academic performance than well-being and learning approach: implications for sustainable development and education
Paulo Moreira, Susana Pedras, Paula Pombo
págs. 1132-1149
Reading motivation, alcohol and drug use in future teachers in preschool and primary school
María de la Rocha Díaz, Inmaculada Méndez Mateo, Cecilia Ruiz Esteban
págs. 1150-1157
Salome Amissah Essel, John Elvis Hagan, Thomas Schack
págs. 1158-1175
Attention to diversity in compulsory secondary education
Elia Vázquez Varela, Iago Portela Pino, Víctor Domínguez Rodríguez
págs. 1176-1185
Individual differences and similarities in the judgement of facial pain: A mixed method study
Sheila Glenn, Helen Poole, Paula Oulton
págs. 1186-1194