New Insights on Technology and Assessment: Introduction to JWOP Special Issue
Antonio León García Izquierdo, David Aguado García, Vicente Ponsoda Gil
págs. 49-52
LinkedIn “Big Four”: Job Performance Validation in the ICT Sector
David Aguado García, José Carlos Andrés García, Antonio León García Izquierdo, Jesús Rodríguez Barroso
págs. 53-64
Situational Judgment Tests as Measures of 21st Century Skills: Evidence across Europe and Latin America
Christoph N. Herde, Filip Lievens, Emily G. Solberg, Jan L. Harbaugh, Mark H. Strong, Gary J. Burkholder
págs. 65-74
The Journey from Likert to Forced-Choice Questionnaires: Evidence of the Invariance of Item Parameters
Daniel Morillo Cuadrado, Francisco José Abad García, Rodrigo Schames Kreitchmann, Iwin Leenen, Pedro Hontangas, Vicente Ponsoda Gil
págs. 75-83
págs. 85-92
Subjective Well-being and Job Performance: Testing of a Suppressor Effect
Jesús Fernando Salgado Velo, Santiago Blanco, Silvia Moscoso Ruibal
págs. 93-102
Affective Commitment, Participative Leadership, and Employee Innovation: A Multilevel Investigation
Carlo Odoardi, Adalgisa Battistelli, Francesco Montani, José María Peiró Silla
págs. 103-113
Exploring the Relationship between Contextual Performance and Burnout in Healthcare Professionals
Patricia Palenzuela Luis, Naira Delgado Rodríguez, José Ángel Rodríguez Gómez
págs. 115-121
Team Focus in Focus: Its Implications for Real Teams and Their Members
Kevin S. Cruz, Jonathan Pinto
págs. 123-133
Mental Health Shame of UK Construction Workers: Relationship with Masculinity, Work Motivation, and Self-Compassion
Yasuhiro Kotera, Pauline Green, David Sheffield
págs. 135-143