págs. 835-841
A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Analysis: Applications to Developmental Research
Rens van de Schoot, David Kaplan, Jaap J.A. Denissen, Jens B. Asendorpf, Franz J. Neyer, Marcel A. G. van Aken
págs. 842-860
Quantile Regression in the Study of Developmental Sciences
Yaacov Petscher, Jessica A. R. Logan
págs. 861-881
A Moderated Mediation Model: Racial Discrimination, Coping Strategies, and Racial Identity Among Black Adolescents
Eleanor K. Seaton, Rachel Upton, Adrianne Gilbert, Vanessa Volpe
págs. 882-890
Parent–Child Discrepancies in Educational Expectations: Differential Effects of Actual Versus Perceived Discrepancies
Yijie Wang, Aprile D. Benner
págs. 891-900
Japanese Adolescents' Disclosure and Information Management With Parents
Larry Nucci, Judith G. Smetana, Noriyuki Araki, Masataka Nakaue, Jessamy Comer
págs. 901-907
Ming-Te Wang, Sarah Kenny
págs. 908-923
Individual Differences in Children's and Parents' Generic Language
Susan A. Gelman, Elizabeth A. Ware, Felicia Kleinberg, Erika M. Manczak, Sarah M. Stilwell
págs. 924-940
From Interactions to Conversations: The Development of Joint Engagement During Early Childhood
Lauren B. Adamson, Roger Bakeman, Deborah F. Deckner, P. Brooke Nelson
págs. 941-955
Skype Me! Socially Contingent Interactions Help Toddlers Learn Language
Sarah Roseberry, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
págs. 956-970
Gary W. Ladd, Idean Ettekal, Becky Kochenderfer Ladd, Karen D. Rudolph, Rebecca K. Andrews
págs. 971-988
Perceived Discrimination Among African American Adolescents and Allostatic Load: A Longitudinal Analysis With Buffering Effects
Gene H. Brody, Man Kit Lei, David H. Chae, Tianyi Yu, Steven M. Kogan, Steven R. H. Beach
págs. 989-1002
Social Integration and the Mental Health of Black Adolescents
Theda Rose, Sean Joe, Joseph Shields, Cleopatra H. Caldwell
págs. 1003-1018
Adult Attachment States of Mind: Measurement Invariance Across Ethnicity and Associations With Maternal Sensitivity
John D. Haltigan, Esther M. Leerkes, Maria S. Wong, Keren Fortuna, Glenn I. Roisman, Andrew J. Supple, Marion O'Brien, Susan D. Calkins, André Plamondon
págs. 1019-1035
Referential Labeling Can Facilitate Phonetic Learning in Infancy
H. Henny Yeung, Lawrence M. Chen, Janet F. Werker
págs. 1036-1049
When Does Tool Use Become Distinctively Human? Hammering in Young Children
Björn Alexander Kahrs, Wendy P. Jung, Jeffrey J. Lockman
págs. 1050-1061
Deconstructing Building Blocks: Preschoolers' Spatial Assembly Performance Relates to Early Mathematical Skills
Brian N. Verdine, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, Nora S. Newcombe, Andrew T. Filipowicz, Alicia Chang
págs. 1062-1076
Local and Global Processing in Blind and Sighted Children in a Naming and Drawing Task
Ira Puspitawati, Ahmed Jebrane, Annie Vinter
págs. 1077-1090
Linguistic and Spatial Skills Predict Early Arithmetic Development via Counting Sequence Knowledge
Xiao Zhang, Tuire Koponen, Pekka Räsänen, Kaisa Aunola, Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen, Jari-Erik Nurmi
págs. 1091-1107
Children's Norm Enforcement in Their Interactions With Peers
Bahar Köymen, Elena Lieven, Denis A. Engemann, Hannes Rakoczy, Felix Warneken, Michael Tomasello
págs. 1108-1122
Preschoolers Reduce Inequality While Favoring Individuals With More
Vivian Li, Brian James Spitzer, Kristina R. Olson
págs. 1123-1133
Children's Reasoning About the Refusal to Help: The Role of Need, Costs, and Social Perspective Taking
Jellie Sierksma, Jochem Thijs, Maykel Verkuyten, Aafke E. Komter
págs. 1134-1149
Charles C. Helwig, Sharon To, Qian Wang, Chunqiong Liu, Shaogang Yang
págs. 1150-1167
Toddlers Default to Canonical Surface-to-Meaning Mapping When Learning Verbs
Isabelle Dautriche, Alejandrina Cristia, Perrine Brusini, Sylvia Yuan, Cynthia D Fisher, Anne Christophe
págs. 1168-1180
págs. 1181-1189
Word Reading Fluency: Role of Genome-Wide Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Developmental Stability and Correlations With Print Exposure
Nicole Harlaar, Maciej Trzaskowski, Philip S. Dale, Robert Plomin
págs. 1190-1205
How European American and Taiwanese Mothers Talk to Their Children About Learning
Jin Li, Heidi Fung, Roger Bakeman, Katherine Rae, Wanchun Wei
págs. 1206-1221
Mothers' Cognitive References to 2-Year-Olds Predict Theory of Mind at Ages 6 and 10
Rosie Ensor, Rory T. Devine, Alex Marks, Claire Hughes
págs. 1222-1235
Preschoolers Selectively Infer History When Explaining Outcomes: Evidence From Explanations of Ownership, Liking, and Use
Shaylene E. Nancekivell, Ori Friedman
págs. 1236-1247
Children's Social Self-Concept and Internalizing Problems: The Influence of Peers and Teachers
Jantine L. Spilt, Pol A. C. van Lier, Geertje Leflot, Patrick Onghena, Hilde Colpin
págs. 1248-1256