Influence of early romantic relationships on adolescents' sexism
Pilar Montañés Muro, Jesús López Megías, Soledad de Lemus Martín, Miguel C. Moya Morales
págs. 219-240
The social dominance orientation in adolescence: the role of gender identity and stereotypical male and female traits
Beatriz Montes Berges, María del Rosario Castillo Mayén, María Aranda López
págs. 241-263
Daily work events and state work engagement: the mediating role of affect
Cibeles Miralles Ortiz, José Navarro Cid, Dana Unger
págs. 264-294
Workplace bullying and interpersonal conflicts: the moderation effect of supervisor�s power
Alicia Arenas Moreno, José M. León-Pérez, Lourdes Munduate Jaca, Francisco José Medina Díaz
págs. 295-322
Healthy organization: analysing its meaning based on the HERO Model
Hedy Acosta, Valeria Cruz Ortiz, Marisa Salanova Soria, Susana Llorens Gumbau
págs. 323-350
The role of mothers in economic socialization of saving behaviour in Polish adolescents
Agata Trzcinska, Maryla Goszczynska
págs. 351-381
Psychological profile of adolescent cyberbullying aggressors
Sofía Buelga Vázquez, Begoña Iranzo, María Jesús Cava Caballero, Eva María Torralba Jerez
págs. 382-406