Beliefs about children's adjustment in same-sex families: Spanish and chilean university student
María Dolores Frías Navarro, Héctor Monterde i Bort, Jaime Barrientos Delgado, Laura Badenes Ribera, José Manuel Cárdenas Castro
págs. 1-10
Suicidal ideation, depression and quality of life in the elderly: study in a gerontopsychiatric consultation
Carla Ponte, Vera Almeida, Lia Fernandes
págs. 1-10
Ana Vidal Fernández, Jesús López Megías
págs. 1-10
Francisca Fariña Rivera, Ramón Arce Fernández, Manuel Vilariño Vázquez, Mercedes Novo Pérez
págs. 1-10
EHME: a new word database for research in basque language
Joana Acha, Itziar Laka Mugarza, Josu Landa, Pello Salaburu Etxeberria
págs. 1-10
Self-determination, behavioral engagement, disaffection, and academic performance: a mediational analysis
Antonio González Fernández, Paola Verónica Paoloni
págs. 1-10
Lexical and phonological processing in visual word recognition by stuttering children: evidence from Spanish
Carlos Javier Álvarez González, Janeth Hernández Jaramillo, Juan Andrés Hernández Cabrera
págs. 1-10
Reading skills, creativity, and insight: exploring the connections
Catalina Mourgues, David D Preiss, Elena L. Grigorenko
págs. 1-10
Analysis of adolescent profiles by gender: strengths, attitudes toward violence and sexism
Marta Ferragut, María José Blanca Mena, Margarita Ortiz Tallo Alarcón
págs. 1-10
Maladaptive family dysfunction and parental death as risk markers of childhood abuse in women
Anna Plaza, Anna Torres Giménez, Carlos Ascaso Terrén, Purificación Navarro, Estel Gelabert Arbiol, María Luisa Imaz Gurrutxaga, Rocío Martín Santos, Manuel Valdés Miyar, Lluïsa García Esteve
págs. 1-10
Clinical spanish norms of the stroop test for traumatic brain injury and schizophrenia
Genny Lubrini, José A. Periáñez Morales, Marcos Ríos Lago, Raquel Viejo Sobera, Rosa Ayesa Arriola, Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo, Benedicto Crespo Facorro, J. Alvarez-Linera Prado, Daniel Adrover Roig, José María Rodrìguez Sánchez
págs. 1-10
Emotional reactivity during anticipation and perception of affective pictures
M. Carmen Pastor Verchili, Rosario Poy Gil, Pilar Segarra Cabedo, Javier Moltó Brotons
págs. 1-10
Measuring Teachers' Knowledge of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: The MAE-TDAH Questionnaire
Marian Soroa Udabe, Nekane Balluerka Lasa, Arantxa Gorostiaga Manterola
págs. 1-10
María Ángeles Peláez Fernández, Natalio Extremera Pacheco, Pablo Fernández Berrocal
págs. 1-11
INECO Frontal Screening: an instrument to assess executive dysfunction in schizophrenia
Tânia Silva, Luis Monteiro, Emanuela Lopes
págs. 1-11
Endocrine and mood responses to two working days in female teachers
Miguel Angel Serrano Rosa, Luís Moya Albiol, Alicia Salvador Fernández-Montejo
págs. 1-11
Flow dimensions on daily activities with the Spanish version of the Flow Scale (DFS)
Sergi Rufi, Federico Javaloy Mazón, Joan Manuel Batista Foguet, Antonio Solanas Pérez, Darío Páez Rovira
págs. 1-11
Antecedents of moral pride: the harder the action, the greater the pride?
Itziar Etxebarria Bilbao, José M.ª Ortiz, Pedro Miguel Apodaca Urquijo, Aitziber Pascual Jimeno, Susana Conejero López
págs. 1-11
Managing multiple roles: development of the Work-Family Conciliation Strategies Scale
Marisa Matias, Anne-Marie Fontaine
págs. 1-11
How is time perspective related to perceptions of self and of interpersonal relationships?
Umit Akirmak
págs. 1-11
Assessing the stability of psychopathic traits: Adolescent outcomes in a six-year follow-up
Laura López Romero, Estrella Romero Triñanes, Paula Villar Torres
págs. 1-11
Beck Anxiety Inventory: Psychometric characteristics in a sample from the clinical spanish population
Antonio J. Vázquez Morejón, Raquel Vázquez-Morejón, Gloria Bellido Zanin
págs. 1-11
Prediction of stress in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders
Pilar Pozo Cabanillas, Encarnación Sarriá Sánchez
págs. 1-12
Recognizing the bank robber and spotting the difference: emotional state and global vs. local attentional set
A. P. Pacheco Unguetti, Alberto Acosta Espinosa, Juan Lupiáñez Castillo
págs. 1-12
Anger in pathological gambling: clinical, psychopathological, and personality correlates
María Neus Aymamí, Roser Granero, Eva Penelo Werner, Fernando Fernández Aranda, Isabel Krug, Katarina Gunnard, Juan José Santamaría, Blanca Bueno, Nuria Jaurrieta Guarner, Mónica Gómez Peña, Eva María Álvarez Moya, Laurence Claes, Ana Beatriz Fagundo, J. M. Menchón Magriñá, Susana Jiménez Murcia
págs. 1-12
Grammatical comprehension in spanish-speaking children with specific language impairment (SLI)
Juana Muñoz López, Gloria Carballo García, Mª Dolores Fresneda López, Elvira Mendoza Lara
págs. 1-12
Measuring affect at work based on the valence and arousal circumplex model
Héctor P. Madrid, Malcolm G. Patterson
págs. 1-12
Characterizing occupational risk perception: the case of biological, ergonomic and organizational hazards in spanish healthcare workers
Mariona Portell Vidal, Rosa M. Gil, Josep Maria Losilla Vidal, Jaume Vives Brosa
págs. 1-12
Deise Maria Leal Fernandes Mendes, Maria Lucia Seidl de Moura
págs. 1-12
Context variations and pluri-methodological issues concerning the expression of a social representation: the example of the Gypsy community
Anthony Piermattéo, Grégory Lo Monaco, Laure Moreau, Fabien Girandola, Jean-Louis Tavani
págs. 1-12