Basic color terms use by aged observers: Lens ageing and perceptual compensation
Julio Lillo Jover, Humberto Moreira, Leticia Pérez del Tío, Leticia Álvaro Llorente, Mª del Carmen Durán Pullido
págs. 453-470
Juan Pablo Barreyro, Jazmín Cevasco, Débora Inés Burin, Carlos Molinari Marotto
págs. 471-479
The Effect of Age on Decision Making According to the Iowa Gambling Task
Janaína Castro Núnez Carvalho, Caroline de Oliveira Cardoso, Daniela Schneider Bakos, Christian Haag Kristensen, Rochele Paz Fonseca
págs. 480-486
Acoustic markers associated with impairment in language processing in alzheimer's disease
Juan José García Meilán, Francisco Martínez-Sánchez, Juan Carro Ramos, José A. Sánchez Medina, Enrique Pérez Sáez
págs. 487-494
Differential diagnosis between apraxia and dysarthria based on acoustic analysis
Natalia Melle Hernández, Carlos Gallego López
págs. 495-504
The effects of base frequency and affix productivity in spanish
Miguel Lázaro López-Villaseñor
págs. 505-512
Number Processing and Calculation in Brazilian Children Aged 7-12 Years
Flávia Heloísa dos Santos, Paulo Adilson Da Silva, Fabiana Silva Ribeiro, Ana Luiza Ribeiro Pereira Dias, Michele Cândida Frigério, Georges Dellatolas, Michael von Aster
págs. 513-525
A Comparative Study of General Intelligence in Spanish and Moroccan Samples
Amelia Díaz Martínez, Khadija Sellami, Mª Eugenia Infanzón Cases, Teresa Lanzón Serra, Richard Lynn
págs. 526-532
The Test Anxiety in Adolescents: The Role of Self-Criticism and Acceptance and Mindfulness Skills
Marina Cunha, Jacinta Paiva
págs. 533-543
Research Participation Improves Student's Exam Performance
Beatriz Gil Gómez de Liaño, Orfelio Gerardo León, David Pascual Ezama
págs. 544-550
The Benefits of Chess for the Intellectual and Social-Emotional Enrichment in Schoolchildren
Ramón Aciego de Mendoza Lugo, Lorena García Afonso, Moisés Betancort Montesinos
págs. 551-559
Assessment of a Sexual Coercion Prevention Program for Adolescents
José Antonio Fuertes Martín, Begoña Orgaz Baz, Isabel Vicario Molina, José Luis Martínez Álvarez, Andrés A. Fernández Fuertes, Rodrigo Jesús Carcedo González
págs. 560-570
Variables associated with the Nature of Sexual Abuse to Minors
José Cantón Duarte, María Rosario Cortés Arboleda, David Cantón Cortés
págs. 571-581
Parent Involvement in School: English Speaking versus Spanish Speaking Families
Sang Min Lee, Antoinette Thorn, Susana Contreras Bloomdahl, Jung Hee Ha, Suk Kyung Nam, Jayoung Lee
págs. 582-591
Parental Socialization Styles, Parents' Educational Level, and Sexist Attitudes in Adolescence
Maite Garaigordobil Landazabal, Jone Aliri Lazcano
págs. 592-603
Self-Recognition and Self-Regulation: The Relationship with Socialization Trajectories and Children's Sex
Maria Lucia Seidl de Moura, Tatiana Targino Alves Bandeira Badeira, Renata Gomes da Costa de Marca, Luciana Fontes Pessôa, Maria Leal Fernandes Mendes, Mauro Luis Vieira, Ana Paula Ribeiro Kobarg
págs. 604-612
Morningness-Eveningness and Health-Related Quality of Life among Adolescents
Pedro Delgado Prieto, Juan Francisco Díaz Morales, Cristina Escribano Barreno, Mª José Collado Mateo, Chistoph Randler
págs. 613-623
Self-Perceptions, Self-Worth and Sport Participation in Adolescents
Isabel Balaguer Solá, Francisco L. Atienza González, Joan L. Duda
págs. 624-630
Perceived Control and Anxiety in Portuguese Children
Ana I.F. Pereira, Luísa Barros, Denisa Mendonça
págs. 631-637
Spanish Young Adults' Perceptions of the Costs and Benefits of Risky Driving Behaviors
Mandeep K. Dhami, Rocío García-Retamero Imedio
págs. 638-647
A motivational model for environmentally responsible behavior
María del Carmen Tabernero Urbieta, Bernardo Hernández Ruiz
págs. 648-658
Elucidating the role of recovery experiences in the job demands-resources model
Bernardo Moreno Jiménez, Alfredo Rodríguez Muñoz, Ana Isabel Sanz Vergel, Eva Garrosa Hernández
págs. 659-669
"Having it All": Women's Perception of Impact of Female Promotion on Threat of Domestic Violence
María del Carmen Herrera Enríquez, Francisca Expósito, Miguel C. Moya Morales, Diane Houston
págs. 670-679
The Role of Personality and Intelligence in Assortative Mating
Sergio Escorial Martín, Carmen Martín-Buro
págs. 680-687
About the Dark and Bright Sides of Self-efficacy: Workaholism and Work Engagement
Mario del Líbano Miralles, Susana Llorens Gumbau, Marisa Salanova Soria, Wilmar B. Schaufeli
págs. 688-701
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Minimum Intervention Measures on Young Offenders
Elena Acosta, María del Carmen Muñoz de Bustillo Díaz, Eduardo Martín Cabrera, Nuria Aragón, Moisés Betancort Montesinos
págs. 702-709
Screening Utility of the Social Anxiety Screening Scale in Spanish Speaking Adolescents
José Antonio Piqueras Rodríguez, José Olivares Rodríguez, María Dolores Hidalgo Montesinos
págs. 710-723
The use of a screening device to assess psychopathy in young offenders
Teresa Silva, Vicente Javier Garrido Genovés, M. José López Latorre
págs. 724-735
Risk and protective factors of dissocial behavior in a probability sample
José Moral de la Rubia, Humberto Ortiz Morales
págs. 736-747
Psychosocial Predictors of Relapse in Cocaine-Dependent Patients in Treatment
Emilio Sánchez Hervás, Francisco José Santonja Gómez, Roberto Secades Villa, Gloria García Fernández, Olaya García Rodríguez, Francisco Zacarés Romaguera
págs. 748-755