The effect of content and physical properties of affective pictures on emotional responses
Juan Pedro Sánchez Navarro, José María Martínez Selva, Francisco Román Lapuente, Ginesa Torrente Hernández
págs. 145-153
Cardiovascular reactivity in hypertensives: differential effect of expressing and inhibiting emotions during moments of interpersonal stress
Marilda E. Novaces Lipp, Márcia Maria Bignotto, Ana Paula Justo, Thania M. Gomes de Matos
págs. 154-161
Is sexual attraction independent of the instrumental and expressive traits?
Juan Fernández Sánchez, María Ángeles Quiroga Estévez, Isabel del Olmo Benito
págs. 162-170
Fathers and gender traditionalism: perception of inequality and life roles
Consuelo Paterna Bleda, Carmen Martínez Martínez
págs. 171-181
Psycopathological symptoms, social skills, and personality traits: a study with adolescents
Maite Garaigordobil Landazabal
págs. 182-192
Psychophysiological training of operators in adaptative biofeedback cardiorhythm control
Nikolay Suvorov
págs. 193-200
Anatolij T. Bykov, Tatyana N. Malyarenko, Yuri E. Malyarenko, Vladimir P. Trentjiev, Alexandr A. Dyuzhikov
págs. 201-218
An immunochemical approach to model and long-term suppression of depressive and anxiety behaviour
Igor P. Ashmarin, Raisa A. Danilova, Olga I. Rud'ko, Maria V. Belopolskaya, Maria F. Obukhova, Elena V. Shmalgausen
págs. 219-227
José María Tous Ral, Núria Pont Bonet, R. Muiños
págs. 228-236
Narrow-Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, and 96 Cycles/360º Angular Frequency Filters
María de Lucía de Bustamante Simas, Natanael Antonio Dos Santos
págs. 240-248
Ignacio Serrano Pedraza, Vicente Sierra Vázquez
págs. 249-262
págs. 263-272
José Antonio Aznar Casanova, Elton H. Matsushima, Nilton P. Ribeiro Filho, José A. Da Silva
págs. 273-284
Distance perception in a natural outdoor setting: is there a developmental trend to overconstancy?
José A. Da Silva, Elton H. Matsushima, José Antonio Aznar Casanova, Nilton P. Ribeiro Filho
págs. 285-294
M. Imamura, Sachio Nakazimo
págs. 295-299
págs. 300-311
Alexandra Ackel Rodrigues, Susi Lippi Marques
págs. 312-320
Visual distance estimation in static compared to moving virtual scenes
Harald Frenz, Markus Lappe
págs. 321-331
Does energy expenditure affect the perception of egocentric distance?: a failure to replicate experiment 1 on Proffitt, Stefanucci, Banton and Epstein
Jeffrey J. Hutchison, Jack M. Loomis
págs. 332-339
Denis R. Proffitt, Jeanine Stefanucci, Tom Banton, William Epstein
págs. 340-342
Reply to Proffitt, Stefanucci, Banton, and Epstein
Jeffrey J. Hutchison, Jack M. Loomis
págs. 343-345
A final reply to Hutchinson and Loomis
Denis R. Proffitt, Jeanine Stefanucci, Tom Banton, William Epstein
págs. 346-348