Dentro de las relaciones de pareja, los miembros muestran su cultura, pensamientos y creencias (PHSC), las cuales predicen las conductas aceptables, los roles que se deben de cumplir, y cómo se debe de llevar a cabo la relación. Sin embargo, la cultura tiende a modificarse con el paso del tiempo, y cambiar el comportamiento. El propósito de esta investigación fue explorar las PHSC de la pareja en sus diferentes etapas (inicio, mantenimiento y disolución) y analizar su evolución en comparación con los estudios previos. Participaron 180 adolescentes estudiantes de secundaria y 150 adultos mayores con una escolaridad no mayor a secundaria. Se aplicó tres cuestionarios abiertos, uno para cada etapa de la relación sobre que se debe de sentir, hacer, pesar dentro de la relación. Para la exploración de los datos se realizó un análisis de contenido. Los resultados demuestran que la mayoría de las PHSC no fueron modificadas como la fidelidad, el respeto y la confianza dentro de la relación, principalmente en las mujeres. Lo que demuestra, que a pesar del tiempo existen normas y creencias que son constantes, estas premisas permanecen debido al que el ambiente las satisface, no obstante, aparecieron nuevas normas y creencias como son el pensar en unos mismos y en su bienestar como consecuencia de comportamiento exitoso para la adaptación de la especie.
Within couple relationships, members show their culture, thoughts and beliefs (PHSC), which predict acceptable behaviors, the roles that must be fulfilled, and how the relationship should be carried out. However, culture tends to change over time, and behavior changes. The purpose of this research was to explore the PHSC of the couple in their different stages (beginning, maintenance, and dissolution) and to analyze their evolution in comparison with previous studies. 180 adolescent high school students and 150 older adults with no more than secondary schooling participated. Three open questionnaires were applied, one for each stage of the relationship about what should be felt, done, and weighed within the relationship. To explore the data, a content analysis was performed. At the beginning of the relationship, norms and beliefs were found such as that the couple should live together, communicate, be affectionate, should not feel insecure, angry, be unfaithful and attack, while in maintenance they should give love, have trust, be happy, love, be faithful and honest as well as respect your partner, while you should not feel ashamed, sad and envious and again be unfaithful or aggressive. Finally, in the dissolution, the PHSC found were to feel melancholy, disappointment, but at the same time happiness, think about the reasons for separation and problems, resign themselves, and should not feel anger and hatred, think that it is the end of the world and have destructive reactions towards the former partner or themselves. The results show that most of the PHSC were not modified, such as fidelity, respect, and trust within the relationship, mainly in women. Which shows that despite time there are norms and beliefs that are constant, these premises remain because the environment satisfies them, however, new norms and beliefs appeared such as they are thinking about oneself and their well-being as a consequence of successful behavior for the adaptation of the species.