Mónica Valencia Jáuregui
Este estudio se basó en la profundización de la realidad actual del profesional desde las versiones de Empleabilidad que tienen los actores sociales: empleadores y profesionales empleables y “no empleables” de la ciudad de Cali, respecto a lo que incide en el acceso y mantenimiento en el mercado laboral en diferentes modalidades de trabajo (empleo, servicios profesionales, outsourcing, cooperativas de trabajo asociado (CTA) y empresas asociativas de trabajo (EAT). Los Resultados mostraron que las versiones tienden a ser coincidentes entre los diferentes actores sociales independientemente de la modalidad del trabajo en la que se encuentren. La Empleabilidad está influenciada por factores personales y de contexto como lo plantea la literatura, pero es un constructo influido en mayor proporción por los factores personales. Esta es una versión que legitima la “responsabilización” que los entes sociales atribuyen al profesional respecto a su Empleabilidad. Además, se encontró que el discurso de los profesionales está enmarcado por la incertidumbre propia del proceso de cambio e inestabilidad que afecta el mundo laboral. Esto evidencia la compleja situación de las dinámicas del trabajo hoy, las cuales exigen cada vez más a los profesionales y los obliga a cuestionar su contexto, a autoevaluarse, autogestionarse y dimensionar otras formas de trabajo diferentes al empleo, el cual es cada vez más escaso.AbstractThis dissertation is based on the study that deepens the present reality of the professional from the employability versions that social actors have: employers, employable and “non employable” professionals from Cali city, related to aspects that affects the access and maintenance in the labor market in different work modalities (employ, professional services, outsourcing, and associated cooperatives of work and associative companies of work). The results showed that versions tend to be coincident between the different social actors Independent of the work modalities. The employability is influenced by personal and context factors as literature raises, but is a construct influenced in a big proportion of the personal factors. This version legitimizes the “responsabilization” that social actors attribute to the professional respect to the employability. Besides, it was found that this professionals discourse is determinated for the uncertainty of the change process and inestability that affects the world of the work. It demonstrates the complex situation of the new work dynamics, demand more to the professionals and forces them to question their context, to assess themselves, to self-manage and considere other work ways different to employ, which is more and more scant.
This dissertation is based on the study that deepens the present reality of the professional from the employability versions that social actors have: employers, employable and “non employable” professionals from Cali city, related to aspects that affects the access and maintenance in the labor market in different work modalities (employ, professional services, outsourcing, and associated cooperatives of work and associative companies of work). The results showed that versions tend to be coincident between the different social actors Independent of the work modalities. The employability is influenced by personal and context factors as literature raises, but is a construct influenced in a big proportion of the personal factors. This version legitimizes the “responsabilization” that social actors attribute to the professional respect to the employability. Besides, it was found that this professionals discourse is determinated for the uncertainty of the change process and inestability that affects the world of the work. It demonstrates the complex situation of the new work dynamics, demand more to the professionals and forces them to question their context, to assess themselves, to self-manage and considere other work ways different to employ, which is more and more scant.