Artículo publicado en abril de 1998.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la Calidad de Vida en términos de las necesidades humanas fundamentales de subsistencia, protección, afecto, entendimiento, participación, ocio, creación, identidad y libertad propuestas por Max-Neef. La muestra estuvo conformada por 202 trabajadores de una empresa petrolera, y las variables tomadas en consideración fueron edad, genera, tipo de contrato (temporal-indefinido) y tiempo de vinculación. Los resultados indican que en general, Ia Calidad de Vida de los trabajadores es satisfactoria. Todas las categorías de necesidades alcanzaron un nivel de satisfacción alto a excepción de las categorías de entendimiento, ocio y creación, las cuales presentaron un nivel medio. Además, se observa que el grupo femenino, los trabajadores temporales, las personas más jóvenes y con menor tiempo de antiguedad en la empresa reportaron mejor Calidad de Vida.AbstractThe present study was made in order to evaluate the quality of life based on the Max Neef 's model about the basic human needs according to the categories: livehood, protection, affect, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity and freedom. The sample was 202 oil company employees. Were considered the variables are: age, gender, type of contract (temporal-indefinite) and tenure. The results indicate that employees' quality of life is satisfactory, most needs categories an high level of satisfaction was observed, with the exception of the categories of understanding, leisure, and creation wich obtained a medium level. This results also showed that the femenine group, the temporal employees, the younger people and people with less tenure attained a best quality of life.
The present study was made in order to evaluate the quality of life based on the Max Neef 's model about the basic human needs according to the categories: livehood, protection, affect, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity and freedom. The sample was 202 oil company employees. Were considered the variables are: age, gender, type of contract (temporal-indefinite) and tenure. The results indicate that employees' quality of life is satisfactory, most needs categories an high level of satisfaction was observed, with the exception of the categories of understanding, leisure, and creation wich obtained a medium level. This results also showed that the femenine group, the temporal employees, the younger people and people with less tenure attained a best quality of life.