Artículo publicado en abril de 2004.La investigación realizada para identificar la relación de Ia Rotación de Personal con variables de tipo afectivo y cognitivo (Apoyo Organizacional Percibido. Compromiso Organizacional, Satisfacción en el Trabajo, Búsqueda de Empleo e Intención por Permanecer) encontró que las medidas de estas variables no tienen relación con la rotación en una institución financiera mexicana. A raíz del estudio, se procedió a examinar los reactivos de cada uno de los instrumentos utilizados y se reconstruyeron cuatro instrumentos que tienen una validez discriminante satisfactoria, de acuerdo con un análisis factorial confirmatorio. Por otro lado, se obtuvo un Modelo de Rotacion de Personal, mediante el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales, que explica el 20% de la varianza de la Rotación Voluntaria de Personal de una institución financiera mexicana.AbstractThis study, done in order to identify the relationship between personnel rotation and affective and cognitive type variables (Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, employment search and continuance intention), found that measurement on those variables is not related to turnover in a Mexican financial organization. Items were examined in order to create four instruments which resulted with satisfactory discriminant validity according to confirmatory factor analysis. On the other hand, a personal turnover model was developed by means of structural equations, which explains 20% of variance in voluntary turnover in that financial institution.
This study, done in order to identify the relationship between personnel rotation and affective and cognitive type variables (Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, employment search and continuance intention), found that measurement on those variables is not related to turnover in a Mexican financial organization. Items were examined in order to create four instruments which resulted with satisfactory discriminant validity according to confirmatory factor analysis. On the other hand, a personal turnover model was developed by means of structural equations, which explains 20% of variance in voluntary turnover in that financial institution.