Town of Allegany, Estados Unidos
Artículo publicado en abril de 2002.Se presenta una revisión de los principales aspectos que tienen que ver con la reinserción de pacientes con trauma de cráneo al ambiente laboral, por ser esta una alteración que afecta de manera particular a la población laboralmente activa. Se presentan algunos aspectos de tipo epidemiológico y algunas nociones acerca de la plasticidad cerebral, coma un mecanismo que se ve directamente afectado par las acciones que se emprendan en la recuperación del paciente con TEC. Posteriormente se presentan los aspectos psicosociales que están relacionados con el TEC y cómo estos aspectos en la mayoría de los casos afectan de forma significativa el desempeño laboral, para finalmente plantear algunas pautas que pueden orientar el proceso de reinserción laboral, con el apoyo de las áreas de salud ocupacional a bienestar social. AbstractThis paper presents a review of the main aspects related to the re-insertion to work of patients with encefalocraneal trauma, given that this is an alteration wich particularly affects laborly active population. Several epidemiological aspects are considered as well as notions of cerebral plasticity, as a mechanism directly af-fected by the actions aimed at recovering this patient. Later on we present several psychosocial aspects related to this type of trauma. Given that this aspects affect labor performance in a significant manner, some guide lines and orientations are provided in order to facilitate and stimulate labor re-insertion, on the basis of the help and support of occupational health and social welfare areas.
This paper presents a review of the main aspects related to the re-insertion to work of patients with encefalocraneal trauma, given that this is an alteration wich particularly affects laborly active population. Several epidemiological aspects are considered as well as notions of cerebral plasticity, as a mechanism directly af-fected by the actions aimed at recovering this patient. Later on we present several psychosocial aspects related to this type of trauma. Given that this aspects affect labor performance in a significant manner, some guide lines and orientations are provided in order to facilitate and stimulate labor re-insertion, on the basis of the help and support of occupational health and social welfare areas.