Previous studies on psychosocial impacts of privatization in the state of São Paulo indicated a need to deepen the analysis on the importance regarding psychic loads in the process of the worker's wear-and-tear and falling ill, being that qualification and health are fundamental requisites to safely carry out work activities. By means of semi-structured interviews with management and workers, documental analysis and observations in one of the largest energy concessionaire companies of the state of Sao Paulo, the study tried to comprehend preoccupation, security; which is a fundamental value of the organizational culture that orients and structures the administration system and which means policy and practices in the formation/qualification areas of workers, health and work security The policy of formation/qualification of the work force tries to face the contradiction of having to form, in short periods, a disciplined worker to execute tasks within rigid limits of the prescribed work. Besides capacitated to handle work situations everytime more dangerous, voracious and arduous, the employee must at the same time, be creative, cunning and intelligent in order do deal with the demands interposed by recent technical and organizational changes. Work safety and health policies depend on current national legislation while it seeks other forms of risk control based on international safety norms. Programs based on informal practices from teams and that try to delegate to workers the responsibility of safety are implemented. In the next stage of the investigation, a mapping of ways of defensive adaptation and work re-planning, which are under development by the workers in order to deal with every-day pressure, will be carried out.
Estudos anteriores sobre os impactos psicossociais da privatização no estado de São Paulo indicaram a necessidade de aprofundar as análises sabre a importância das cargas psíquicas no processo de desgaste e de adoecimento dos trabalhadores, visto que a qualificação e a saúde São requisitos fundamentais para a realização segura das atividades. Através da realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com gestores e trabalhadores, de análise documental e de observações em uma das maiores concessionarias de energia do estado de São Paulo, procurou-se compreender coma a preocupação com a segurança, valor fundamental da cultura organizacional que orienta e estrutura o sistema de gestão, se traduz em políticos e práticas nas áreas de formação/qualificação dos trabalhadores e saúde e segurança no trabalho. A política de formação/qualificação dos trabalhadores procura enfrentar a contradição de ter que formar, em espaços de tempo cada vez mais curtos, um trabalhador disciplinado para executar as tarefas dentro dos limites rígidos do trabalho prescrito. Além de capacitado para lidar com situações de trabalho cada vez mais perigosas, insalubres e penosas e, ao mesmo tempo, a trabalhador a ser formado deve ser criativo, astucioso a inteligente, para atender as exigências colocadas pelos mudanças técnicas e organizacionais recentes. A política de saúde e segurança no trabalho tanto apóia-se na legislação nacional vigente, quanto busca outras formas de controle de riscos baseadas em normas de segurança internacional. Implementam-se programas que são elaborados com base na praticas informais das equipes e procuram delegar aos trabalhadores a responsabilidade sobre a segurança. Na próxima etapa da investigação, pretende-se realizar um mapeamento dos modos de adaptação defensivos a de replanejamento do trabalho que estão sendo desenvolvidos pelos trabalhadores para enfrentar as pressões do cotidiano.ABSTRACTPrevious studies on psychosocial impacts of privatization in the state of São Paulo indicated a need to deepen the analysis on the importance regarding psychic loads in the process of the worker's wear-and-tear and falling ill, being that qualification and health are fundamental requisites to safely carry out work activities. By means of semi-structured interviews with management and workers, documental analysis and observations in one of the largest energy concessionaire companies of the state of Sao Paulo, the study tried to comprehend preoccupation, security; which is a fundamental value of the organizational culture that orients and structures the administration system and which means policy and practices in the formation/qualification areas of workers, health and work security The policy of formation/qualification of the work force tries to face the contradiction of having to form, in short periods, a disciplined worker to execute tasks within rigid limits of the prescribed work. Besides capacitated to handle work situations everytime more dangerous, voracious and arduous, the employee must at the same time, be creative, cunning and intelligent in order do deal with the demands interposed by recent technical and organizational changes. Work safety and health policies depend on current national legislation while it seeks other forms of risk control based on international safety norms. Programs based on informal practices from teams and that try to delegate to workers the responsibility of safety are implemented. In the next stage of the investigation, a mapping of ways of defensive adaptation and work re-planning, which are under development by the workers in order to deal with every-day pressure, will be carried out.