Emmanuel Martínez Mejía
Se examinan las creencias de una muestra de empleados mexicanos sobre las obligaciones recíprocas en la relación empleado-empleador, con base en los tipos de Contrato Psicológico Relacional y Transaccional. Se realizó un estudio no experimental, correlacional, transversal. Participaron 345 empleados de diversas organizaciones de la Ciudad de México. Se pusieron a prueba modelos PATH sobre la relación de las creencias del empleado sobre las obligaciones empleado-empleador. En el modelo Relacional, se identificaron antecedentes sobre las creencias de Lealtad y Seguridad, el modelo mostró menos variables independientes con un mayor nivel predictivo. En el modelo Transaccional se identificaron más variables independientes relacionadas con un menor nivel predictivo. Se señala la necesidad de proponer modelos predictivos con otras variables, como el compromiso, la justicia y la adherencia organizacional, la satisfacción laboral, el desempeño y la rotación. Esta investigación contribuye a la Teoría del Intercambio Social en las Organizaciones y la dinámica del Contrato Psicológico como un enfoque que puede ayudar en la definición de estrategias, políticas organizacionales y prácticas orientadas a relaciones laborales sanas en México.
Based on Social Exchange Theory in Organizations, this research examines the beliefs of Mexican employees about reciprocal obligations in the employee-employer relationship, operationalize on the types of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract. A non-experimental, correlational, cross-sectional study was performed. A total of 345 employees from diferent organizations from Mexico City participated. Correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and PATH models were conducted. Results of goodness of fit of the measurement model for each tipe of psychological contract are shown to add evidence of validity of the PCI (Psychological Contract Inventory) in Mexican population, as well as acceptable Cronbach Alpha index were founded. Evidence of a reciprocity Relational model was found; this model identifies employer obligation beliefs as antecedents that influenced the employee’s Loyalty and Safety beliefs. Evidence of a Transactional model was found; this model identifies antecedents that influenced the beliefs of a Short-Term employment relationship whit a Limited approach. These research marks the opportunity for similar studies in different employee groups and industries. The knowledge and study of the Psychological Contract in Mexico can help organizations to clearly define their internal policies of employment relationships that benefit to both employer and employees. This research proposes the dynamics of the Psychological Contract in the study of employment relationships in Mexico as a powerful approach that provides clarity in the explanation of reciprocity in the workplace.