Rolando Diaz Loving
Volume seven, number one of Psychological Research Records, corresponding to the year two thousand seventeen, incorporates a series of articles that were accepted for publication after they went through the double blind evaluation process. This issue of the journal shows a clear concern for valid, reliable and culturally relevant and sensitive measurement of various psychological phenomena. For this category, work on the creation, adaptation and validation of psychometric measures of social support in Mexican adults, of the process of forgiveness and its emotional implications, of the effects and the impact of fatigue, on the perception of risk of landslides emanating from environmental psychology, of fear in young people, and of personality based on Jungian psychological types, is presented. As examples of the enormous variety of interests in modern psychology, an article of cross-cultural psychology on dignity, face and honor cultures with data from seven different cultural groups, a paper on the new electronic technologies and their impact on relationship violence, and the effect of contextual and cognitive variables on performance in mathematics, are published. As in previous issues, I wish to convey my deep appreciation for the careful work carried out by our editorial committee and to the scientific community for their original research.