Belén del Rocío Moreno C.
El documental The Look of Silence de Joshua Oppenheimer presenta el recorrido de Adi Rukun para ver la escena criminal en la cual tuvo origen su existencia. Su oficio de optómetra metaforiza de modo preciso su propósito: hacer verel manto de impunidad que ha caído sobre la matanza de más de un millón de comunistas, ocurrida en Indonesia bajo la dictadura militar de general Haji Mohammad Suharto, en el curso de unos pocos meses de 1965. La intención de olvido que recayó sobre estos acontecimientos de sangre se tradujo en silencio y desmemoria. Los efectos de la matanza y el silencio forzoso que sobrevino se despliegan en el apretado nudo tejido entre lo subjetivo y lo colectivo.
Joshua Oppenheimer’s documentary The Look of Silence presents the journey that Adi Rukun went on to see the crime scene where his existence was originated. His job as an optometrist serves as a precise metaphor to his objective: to visualize the veil of impunity that has covered the massacre of more than a million communists, which took place in Indonesia during the military dictatorship of General Haji Mohammad Suharto, within just a few months of 1965. The intention of erasure of these bloody events turned into silence and oblivion. The effects of the massacre and the forced silence that followed are displayed in the entangled knot woven between the subjective and the collective.