M.D. Brito Rhor, Beatriz Rodríguez Herráez, A. Trueba
Se examinó cómo se autodescriben sexualmente las mujeres jóvenes ecuatorianas. La evaluación del autoesquema sexual femenino (ASF) permite entender la atracción o rechazo a la información o comportamiento sexual. Participaron 414 mujeres estudiantes de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) con una edad promedio de 19.74 años, y todas completaron la escala ASF. El análisis de los resultados reveló que existen 3 factores que explicaron el 67.71% de la varianza total: erotismo, romanticismo y afectividad negativa. Las jóvenes se identificaron más con adjetivos vinculados al componente romántico de la sexualidad como: amorosa, cariñosa, cálida, tierna o romántica. Por otra parte, se identificaron menos con adjetivos de los componentes de afectividad negativa y erotismo como:
reprimida, erótica, ardiente, cerrada y cohibida. La consistencia interna del instrumento para cada uno de los tres factores estimada a través del alfa de Cronbach fue: Erotismo α=.952, Romanticismo α=.864 y Afectividad Negativa α=.896.
We examined how young Ecuadorian women describe themselves sexually. The evaluation of the female sexual self-schema (ASF) allowed us to understand the attraction or rejection to sexually-related information or behaviors. The participants were 414 women, students at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) with an average age of 19.74 years. They all completed the ASF scale. The results of our analysis indicated that there were 3 ASF factors that explained 67.71% of the total variance: eroticism, romanticism and negative affectivity. The young women tended to identify more with adjectives related to the romantic component of sexuality: loving, affectionate, warm, tender or romantic. On the other hand, they identify themselves less with adjectives related to negative affect and eroticism such as: repressed, erotic, ardent, closed and self-conscious. The internal consistency of the instrument for each of the three factors estimated through Cronbach's alpha was: Erotism α=.952, Romanticism α=.864 and Negative Affectivity α=.896.