Silvio Manuel da Rocha Brito, Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias
Creativity is an attitude, human and dynamic, promoting change and development, both on an individual and social level. Although their procedure is individual, their work takes the collective form in a discontinued and instantaneous process, not harming the subjects in the concern of evaluating its impact. Their condition is the climate, the team environment, presupposes the training, the learning of methods, the continuous generation of ideas, questions that, assuming divergent and lateral thinking, necessarily induce the management of their conflicts. In this sense, we try to find, through a group of researchers and specialized coordinators, indications of such management in the teams they have oriented. In order to do this, we used two tests, one about creativity, and another about conflicts, and the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS-Portuguese version), where we could see that conflict management in creative researchers is an evidence, due to the search for improvements in performance and in productivity, on the part of its members, and due to the absence of conflicts in the studied object.