Bolonia, Italia
This paper aims to be a theoretical contribution to the understanding of underlying psychological processes of Kevin Roberts’ lovemarks concept that, in the marketing field, replaces brands, as we know it. The first section provides a brief story of branding evolution from a marketing and consumer psychology perspective. In the second section, Roberts’ lovemarks theory is explained, along with its components, the love/respect axis and mystery, sensuality and intimacy characteristics are analyzed. In addition, other branding literature authors and several successful applied cases are presented to support the theory. The third section is about the identification and analysis of the psychological aspects and processes that are relevant in lovemarks formation: perception, memory, individual and social motivation, and emotion. The fourth and last section is about the conclusions and implications in a consumer-brand relationship
This paper aims to be a theoretical contribution to the understanding of underlying psychological processes of Kevin Roberts’ lovemarks concept that, in the marketing field, replaces brands, as we know it. The first section provides a brief story of branding evolution from a marketing and consumer psychology perspective. In the second section, Roberts’ lovemarks theory is explained, along with its components, the love/respect axis and mystery, sensuality and intimacy characteristics are analyzed. In addition, other branding literature authors and several successful applied cases are presented to support the theory. The third section is about the identification and analysis of the psychological aspects and processes that are relevant in lovemarks formation: perception, memory, individual and social motivation, and emotion. The fourth and last section is about the conclusions and implications in a consumer-brand relationship.
O presente trabalho é uma reflexão teórica que procura contribuir ao entendimento dos procesos psicológicos subjacentes na teoria de Kevin Roberts acerca das lovemarks que, ao interior da mercadologia, tem procurado substituir a ideia tradicional que se tem ao respeito das marcas. A primeira parte proporciona uma introdução ao respeito da evolução das marcas desde uma perspectiva psicológica e de mercado. A segunda parte exprime a teoria das lovemarks e os seus componentes: o eixo amor/respeito, as características de mistério, sensualidade e intimidade. Adicionalmente, esta teoria é suportada pela literatura complementaria e casos de sucesso. A terceira parte corresponde à identificação e analise dos processos psicológicos que exprimem a formação de uma lovemark: percepção, memoria, motivação individual e social e emoção. A quarta e última parte contem as conclusões e as implicações na formação da relação marca-consumidor.