El PSY-5 (Personality Psychopathology Five) es un modelo dimensional descriptivo de psicopatología de la personalidad evaluada en adultos a través del Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). Este estudio pretende mostrar las principales contribuciones de la Escala de Psicopatología (PSY-5) a la adaptación española del MMPI-2. Para ello se ha trabajado con una muestra clínica de 535 y otra normal de 1.080 personas, sin evidencia de patología. Se analizaron las cinco dimensiones que componen la PSY-5: Agresividad (AGG), Psicoticismo (PSYC), Neuroticismo/ emocionalidad negativa (NEGE), Antisociabilidad (DISC) e Introversión (INTR). Los resultados demostraron que tanto la AGGR como la DISC no discriminaban estadísticamente la población clínica de la normal. Todas las dimensiones del PSY-5 mostraron una baja Sensibilidad, Especificidad y Poder predictivo a través del análisis ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic). Se discutieron las implicaciones de los resultados.
The PSY-5 (Personality Psychopathology Five) is a dimensional descriptive model of personality psychopathology assessed in adults with a set of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). For the present study the authors aimed to illustrate the main contributions of the PSY-5 scale to the Spanish adaptation of the MMPI-2. The current samples included 535 clients from clinical practice settings and 1.080 participants who had no evidence of mental pathology. All of the PSY-5 dimensions indices were examined: Aggressiveness (AGGR), Psychoticism (PSYC), Negative Emotionality/Neuroticism (NEGE), Disconstraint (DISC) and Introversion/Low Positive Emotionality (INTR). Overall, findings suggest that both AGGR and DISC indices do not statistically discriminate clinical and non- clinical populations. All of the PSY–5 indices showed low sensitivity, specificity and predictive value through the analysis ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic). Implications of the results are discussed.