Sara Vera Gil
Los informes educativos de los últimos años vienen advirtiendo un aumento progresivo de las mujeres en los estudios universitarios. Las Universidades a día de hoy se encuentran ampliamente feminizadas en la mayoría de titulaciones. Acercándonos a la historia de la educación de las mujeres, lo anteriormente señalado supone un importante logro para este colectivo, ya que, desde su acceso oficial al sistema educativo, han debido sortear serias dificultades. Estas dificultades provenientes tanto de barreras institucionales como de las limitaciones de los roles y estereotipos de género han sido superadas no sólo de una forma cuantitativa sino también cualitativamente, lo que parece apuntar a la presencia de comportamientos resilientes entre las estudiantes, comportamientos que se relacionan con el afrontamiento exitoso de las adversidades del entorno, saliendo fortalecidas de ellas y preparadas para enfrentarse a nuevos retos.
Educational reports in recent years have been warning a progressive increase of women in college. Universities today are widely feminized in most degree programs. A historical approach to women´s education tell us that this situation previous mentioned is a significant achievement for this group, especially because from their official access to education women have had to overcome serious difficulties. These difficulties which come from both institutional barriers and the limitations of gender roles and stereotypes, seem to have been overcome by women not only in a quantitative way but also in a qualitative because they have a higher academic performance than their male peers, those for which the education system was created . These difficulties from both institutional barriers and the limitations of gender roles and stereotypes have been overcome not only a quantitative but also qualitative, which seems to indicate the presence of resilient behaviors among students, behaviors that relate to successful coping with the adversities of the environment, leaving them empowered and ready to face new challenges.