Michelle Hood, Elizabeth Conlon, Glenda Andrews
In this 3-year longitudinal study, the authors tested and extended M. Sénéchal and J. Le Fevre's (2002) model of the relationships between preschool home literacy practices and children's literacy and language development. Parent-child reading (Home Literacy Environment Questionnaire plus a children's Title Recognition Test) and parental teaching of letters, words, and name writing were assessed 6 months prior to children's school entry. The 143 children (55% male participants; mean age = 5.36 years, SD = 0.29) attended Gold Coast, Australia government preschools. Parent-child reading and literacy teaching were only weakly correlated (r = .18) and were related to different outcomes consistent with the original model. Age, gender, memory, and nonverbal ability were controlled. Parental teaching was independently related to R. W. Woodcock's (1997) preschool Letter-Word Identification scores (R²change = 4.58%, p = .008). This relationship then mediated the relationships between parental teaching and Grades 1 and 2 letter-word identification, single-word reading and spelling rates, and phonological awareness (rhyme detection and phonological deletion). Parent-child reading was independently related to Grade 1 vocabulary (R²change = 5.6%, p = .005). Thus, both home practices are relevant but to different aspects of literacy and language development.