This paper provides a review of the academic and scientific literature focused on child work since January 2000 till January 2011 (inclusive). In order to analyze the international scientific production on child work were examined original papers containing the strings “child/children work”, “child/children labour”, “adolescent/s work”, “adolescents’ labour” either in the title, or in the text or as descriptors. Papers considered had been published in psychological, sociological and educational journals and mentioned in international databases such as: PsycInfo, CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, ERIC, CSA Social Services Abstracts, CSA Sociological Abstracts. Such search strategy identified a total of 301 papers. The results of the review suggest that child work has been mainly observed in developing countries or in contexts highly affected by poverty and social exclusion.
Knowledge on this issue is still far to be exhaustive and the recurring approaches lack both of common and shared theories and models. The review highlights a range of problems in drawing a firm conclusion on the abolitionist approach towards child work