Examinamos las características psicométricas del Cuestionario MOS de Apoyo Social Percibido, en una muestra de 375 sujetos. Los parámetros del MOS mostraron valores altamente aceptables: .919 para la consistencia interna según el Alfa. La solución trifactorial hallada (máxima verosimilitud con rotación (varimax) explica el 59,86% de la varianza. Por todo ello se presenta como un instrumento válido para la evaluación del Apoyo Social Percibido.
MOS scale is integrated by 20 items. Item number 1 refers to the Social Network size and the other 19 to for dimensions of functional social support: emotional, instrumental, positive social interaction and affective support. MOS Social Support Scale can be considered a completely valid and reliable instrument to measure social support and it can be used to detect situations of social risk, specially in population exposed to traumatic situations, due to the fact that the importance of perception of social support in the prevention of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has been broadly validated.