Diana Kim, Bernhard Hommel
People often change their behavior and beliefs when confronted with deviating behavior and beliefs of others, but the mechanisms underlying such phenomena of conformity are not well understood. Here we suggest that people cognitively represent their own actions and others’ actions in comparable ways (theory of event coding), so that they may fail to distinguish these two categories of actions. If so, other people’s actions that have no social meaning should induce conformity effects, especially if those actions are similar to one’s own actions. We found that female participants adjusted their manual judgments of the beauty of female faces in the direction consistent with distracting information without any social meaning (numbers falling within the range of the judgment scale) and that this effect was enhanced when the distracting information was presented in movies showing the actual manual decision-making acts. These results confirm that similarity between an observed action and one’s own action matters. We also found that the magnitude of the standard conformity effect was statistically equivalent to the movie-induced effect.