Este estudio tiene como objetivo el análisis de la autoestima y del autoconcepto percibido por los adolescentes españoles a través del Millon Adolescent Personality Inventoty (M.A.P.I.). Los participantes fueron 342/364 adolescentes, entre 13 y 18 años, divididos en dos grupos de edades (13-15 y 16-18 años), de ambos sexos, y que de una forma signicativa, perciben su autoestima o autoconcepto poco gratificante para su desarrollo. Los resultados denotan que estos adolescentes se muestran incómodos socialmente, molestos con sus obligaciones escolares, inseguros, fastidiados con su imagen corporal, emocionalmente lábiles y con un inadecuado rendimiento académico
This study discusses the self-steem and self-concept perceived by Spanish adolescents through the Millon Adolescent Personality Inventoty (M.A.P.I.). The participants were 342/ 364 adolescent of both sexes between 13 and 18 years, divided into two age groups (13-15 and 16-18 years old). All scored significantly low in self-steeem or self-concept for their development. Results showed that these adolescents were socially unconfortable, annoyed with their school responsabilities, insecure, annoyed with their body image, emotionally weak and exhibited low academic achievement.