The reasons for the delay of intellectual development of children 3-12 years of age, associated with perception, memory and processing of information, are considered. It is proposed a new concept of improvement of teaching-educational work with the child. This concept is based on three Russian methodology (the Theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ), Neuro-pedagogy, Eidetic) and ensures the continuity of the of the educational process «kindergarten-school».
Introduced the concept of Universal Primary Skills (UNU), the previous school Universal Educational Action (UUD). It is shown that the proposed methodological framework provides for the transition to an algorithmic UUD and thus greatly simplifies the study of the UUD and increases the efficiency of the application of UUD. Proposed and substantiated the resource-oriented methods for diagnostics of creative abilities of the child. Are the data, confirming the high efficiency of the use of Educational and methodological complex, which was developed by the authors of the article with the purpose of intellectual moral - creative development of the child.