El objetivo del estudio fue conocer el nivel de autoconcepto, autoeficacia académica y bienestar psicológico de universitarios chilenos. Se revisan baremos de tres escalas en 691 sujetos.
Los hombres presentan mayor nivel de Autoconcepto Emocional y Físico. A mayor edad mejoran los niveles de Autoconcepto Académico, Emocional, Familiar y Físico.
En área disciplinar los estudiantes de salud presentan mejor Autoconcepto Académico, los de educación presentan mejor Autoconcepto Social y los del área psicosocial mayor nivel Emocional y Familiar.
En Autoeficacia Académica no existe diferencia entre hombres y mujeres.
En Bienestar Psicológico los hombres presentan mayor autonomía y las mujeres mayor dominio del entorno. Los estudiantes de Salud presentan los mejores niveles en las dimensiones evaluadas.
The objective was to study the level of self-concept, academic self-efficacy and psychological well-being of Chilean university students. Table of adjusted accounts were reviewed in three scales in 691 subjects.
Men have higher levels of Emotional and Physical Self-Concept. The older the higher standards of Academic, emotional, family and Physical Self-concept.
Students of the health discipline have better Academic Self-concept, the studentes from the education areas show better social self-concept and the ones from psychosocial areas show the highest emotional and family level.
In the Academic self-efficacy there is no difference between men and women. Psychological well-being of men have greater autonomy and women greater control of the environment. Students from the health area have the highest levels in well-being.