En este artículo se analiza el nivel de conocimiento de ética deontológica de los psicólogos forenses expertos en el ámbito de familia y la adecuación de su postura ética particular a los estándares éticos, así como la posible relación de ello con la frecuencia con que los expertos se enfrentan a las situaciones planteadas. Participan 81 profesionales del estado español, que cumplimentan un cuestionario centrado específicamente en el ámbito de la psicología forense en derecho de familia, desarrollado según el modelo creado por Pope, Tabachnick y Keith-Spiegel (1987). De los resultados destacamos que todas las situaciones planteadas han sido experimentadas por alguno de los participantes y que su postura ética no se adapta de forma unánime a los estándares éticos en ninguna de ellas. Las valoraciones éticas más acordes con la norma ética están relacionadas con temas de objetividad, informar y consentimiento informado, mientras que las relacionadas con la praxis, aspectos legales, honorarios, confidencialidad y roles duales se muestran más en desacorde con la normativa ética de referencia.
This work analyzes the knowledge level of ethics and professional standards by forensic psychologists expert in family procedures, the analysis of the relationship with the frequency of forensic psychologists in these situations and their ethical posture. The sample is composed of 81 Spanish professionals, who have completed a questionnaire developed from the one used by Pope, Tabachnick & Keith-Spiegel (1987). The results obtained show that all these situations have been experienced by the participants in their professional practice and their ethical posture does not fit unanimously with the ethical standards. The ethical values that are held more consistently with the ethical standard are basically related to objectivity, reporting obligations and informed consent, while those related to issues of practice, legal, fees, confidentiality and dual roles disagree with the ethical standards.
Molina Bartumeus, Dra. Asunción; Arch Marín, Dra. Milagros y Jarne Esparcia, Dr. Adolfo. (2012). Conocimiento y Aplicación de los Principios Éticos y Deontológicos por Parte de los Psicólogos Forenses Expertos en el Ámbito de Familia. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 2277-93 http://dx.doi.org/10.5093/aj2012a8
This work analyzes the knowledge level of ethics and professional standards by forensic psychologists expert in family procedures, the analysis of the relationship with the frequency of forensic psychologists in these situations and their ethical posture. The sample is composed of 81 Spanish professionals, who have completed a questionnaire developed from the one used by Pope, Tabachnick & Keith-Spiegel (1987). The results obtained show that all these situations have been experienced by the participants in their professional practice and their ethical posture does not fit unanimously with the ethical standards. The ethical values that are held more consistently with the ethical standard are basically related to objectivity, reporting obligations and informed consent, while those related to issues of practice, legal, fees, confidentiality and dual roles disagree with the ethical standards