En la poética arturiana, el silencio es el ser como experiencia, como lenguaje conmovido, pues �el silencio es tan hondo como un grito�. El silencio no es simple soporte estilístico, sino rigor envolvente, ritmo insistente, trance. Callar para escuchar la Naturaleza es vaciar la cultura y exponerla a una instauración fundante y elemental. La voz que apalabra deja acontecer lo Sagrado a través de su poetizar que es vida imaginaria. En una sociedad que hace lo posible por evitar el silencio, la poesía arturiana nos reenvía al mundo oculto desacostumbrado, al sentido pleno que niega y a la vez renueva sus valores
In Arturian poetics, silence is being as experience, as moved language, since �silence is as deep as a cry.� Silence is not just stylist support, but involving rigor, insisting rhythm, trance. To be quiet in order to listen to Nature is to empty the culture and to expose it to a founding and elementary foundation. The voice that words lets the Sacred take place by means of poeticizing, which is imaginary life. In a society which makes all efforts possible to avoid silence, the Arturian poetry sends us back to the hidden unaccustomed world, to the full sense that denies and at the same time renews its values