Este trabajo presenta una cuidadosa revisión teórica sobre el tema de la ira, su evaluación e intervención, relacionada muy directamente con la agresividad y teorías importantes de la personalidad, enfocándose principalmente a la teoría de H. Eysenck. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos, uno para medir ira (escala MAG de Ira) y otro para medir dimensiones de personalidad Extroversión � Neuroticismo � Psicoticismo (EPQ-J), a 200 niños de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre 9 y 11 años, en tres colegios de Santafé de Bogotá.
Se realizó una aplicación piloto y validación por jueces para la Escala MAG de ira con el objetivo de verificar su efectividad, mostrando unos buenos resultados mediante una consistencia interna de 0.8236. Al relacionar esta dos pruebas se encontró que hay niveles muy significativos de correlación entre personalidad e ira, a la vez que hay buenas intercorrelaciones entre las dimensiones del EPQ-J. Se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre ira y conducta antisocial. El aporte del trabajo es la presentación de la escala MAG para aplicarla en población infantil.
This work presents a theoretical revision regarding the theme of anger , its evaluation and intervention, directly related to aggression and important theories of the personality, focusing �primarily- in Eysenck�s theory. Two instruments were used on 200 children of both sexes, within the ages of 9 to 11 years old in three schools in Santafé de Bogotá; one of these instruments was applied to measure anger (MAC scale of Anger) and another to measure the personality dimensions of Extroversion-Neuroticism- Psicosism ( Eysenck´s EPQ-J). A pilot study and judge validation for the MAG anger scale were performed in order to verify their effectiveness, showing some good results through and internal consistency of 0.8236. The application of these two tests proved that there are strong and significant levels of correlation between anger and personality, as well as good intercorrelations between EPQJ dimensions. Likewise, no significant differences regarding gender were found. Furthermore, a meaningful correlation between anger and antisocial behavior was found, proving to be reliable due to the high sincerity levels reported in the EPQ-J. The principal contribution of this work is the MAG scale to be applied in children.